New Year
So its that time of the year were I take time to reflect on the past and get ready for the coming year. I have a guy I know who is up and coming and really doing some good work in the community and he was saying he takes the whole month to plan and reflect. I heard a famous quote that says if you don't have goals you will be used by someone else who has. As I was looking back I noted that this has been my major flaw over the years and it has led me to waste a lot of time. Just a couple of days ago I came across some videos of Lisa Nichols' interviews and she talks a lot about taking action. After hearing the motivational speeches and reading the books what are you going to do about it? So I want to encourage you to walk this journey of ACTION with me. I wish you all the best in the new year, till next time cheers!
If you like what I am wearing:
Top old but similar below
Belt here
Handbag here
sunglasses here
Skirt here
*(This skirt is majorly see through so it will look good with a cute short inside, otherwise if you are like me you might need to put some extra lining inside)
*(This skirt is majorly see through so it will look good with a cute short inside, otherwise if you are like me you might need to put some extra lining inside)